

 Dipthong /eɪ/

1. Listen and repeat the following phrases and
sentences. Find the words pronounced with the diphthong /eɪ/.

Wait for me!

Throw the bait!

You must have faith.

Send him the mail.

The dog has a long tail.

Raise your hands in praise.

In May the farm is full of hay.

Stay away from those people.

You need to weigh the potatoes.

The freight came in from England.

2. Listen to the following paragraph about Carnival in Trinidad and Tobago and then read it aloud yourself.

Carnival in Trinidad and Tobago is a great experience. It happens once a year in February or March, but never in May. Carnival was created when enslaved persons imitated their French owners. Later on, it became popular in the nineteenth century. If you go to Trinidad, you must stay to experience carnival. But please don’t wait too long before you go. 

3. Listen and repeat the following pairs of words. When pronouncing the words with [e], be sure to lower your jaw a bit more than for /eɪ/.

/e/ /eɪ/
Red Rate
Bell Bail
Bed Bait
Fell Fail
Sell Sail
Melt Mail
Get Gate
Let Late
Pen Pale

Dipthong /aʊ/

1. Listen and repeat. Find the words pronounced with the diphthong

The music is very loud.

There was a crowd at the football match.

Vowel sounds can be difficult.

Wow! His shirt is inside-out!

How many hours are there in one day?

Dipthong /aɪ/

1. Listen and repeat. Find the words pronounced with the diphthong

I have an idea!

Trinidad and Tobago are two islands, but one nation.

Angela cries every time she thinks about her grandmother.

Life can be difficult sometimes.

Don’t deny it, you stole the book! 

Dipthong /ɔɪ/

1.  Listen and repeat. Find the words pronounced with the diphthong /ɔɪ/.

I need to go and buy some oil.

The water will boil in the next minute.

There is some coil on the garage.

The soil is very dry.

Get some foil from the kitchen. 

2. Listen and repeat the following words. Beware the contrast between /ɔ:/ and /ɔɪ/.

/ɔ:/ /ɔɪ/
Tore Toy
Corn Coin
Ball Boil
Bore Boy
Fall Foil

Dipthong /ɪə/:

1. Listen and repeat.

Fierce Fear Beer Here Hear Tear

2. Listen and repeat. Contrast the long vowel
sounds with the diphthong.

/ɪə/ /i: /
Fear Free
Beard Bead
Mere Me
Steer Steed
Peer Pea

Dipthong /eə/:

1. Listen and repeat the following word.

Rear Bear Tear There Were Area

2. Listen and contrast the following pairs of words
containing /eə/ and /eɪ/.

/eə/ /eɪ/
Dare Day
Stare Stay
Pair Pay
Hair Hay
Mare May

Dipthong /ʊə/:

1. Listen and repeat. Then, circle the word that does NOT contain the sound /ʊə/.

 Tour Poor Sure Cool Cure Moor Tool Fuel

2. Listen and contrast the following pairs of
words containing /ʊə/ and /ɔ:/.

/ʊə/ /ɔ:/
Poor Paw
Sure Shore
Moore More
Dour Lord
Tour Tore

Dipthong /əʊ/

1. Listen and repeat. Beware the contrast of the
words between /əʊ/ and /e/.

/əʊ/ /e/
Code Felt
Phone Cell
Boat Bet
Stoke Pest
Bowl Belt

2. Listen and repeat. Find the word that does NOT contain the sound /əʊ/.


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